The serve in paddle tennis is a key element of the game and is performed from the serve zone, which is a rectangular area marked on each half of the court. Here I give you a basic description of how the serve is performed in paddle tennis:

Service position: The player who is going to serve must position himself in the service box, behind the baseline and between the side walls. The foot closest to the net must be inside the service box, and the other foot may be outside but must not touch the baseline.

Throwing the ball: The serving player must throw the ball up and hit it before it hits the ground. The height of the throw must be such that the ball, when hit, does not exceed waist height.

Direction of the serve: The serve must be directed to the diagonally opposite service box. The player receiving the serve must wait in his receiving box.

Serve Stroke: The serve stroke can be performed with any type of stroke, whether forehand or backhand. It is important that the racket hits the ball before it hits the ground.

Contact with the ball: The player must hit the ball below the waist and ensure that the paddle makes contact with the ball inside the service box.

Valid serve: A serve is considered valid as long as the ball crosses the net line and touches the ground inside the diagonally opposite service box, and as long as it does not touch any wall or net before crossing the service line.

Number of attempts: The player has two attempts to make a valid serve. If you fail both attempts, you lose the point.

It is important to remember that serve rules may vary depending on the specific rules of the tournament or club where you are playing, so it is advisable to review your local rules to ensure you are meeting the specific requirements.